17 Seconds Records


Please note: while we are happy for you to have this music for free, as are our artists; this page does not support deep linking.

Whilst some record companies freak out at the thought of free downloads, we're not like that. In fact, we have the intelligence to realise that this is how many people consume music. We are, after all, a record company, not a collection of Ostriches.
The Wildhouse
Our latest signing, The Wildhouse , will shortly be re-issuing The Wildhouse Sampler through 17 Seconds. This is a track they would like to make available for free:

The Wildhouse -'Ficca.' mp3

Chris Bradley

  Chris Bradley will release his new album At The Outpost in March 2010. The single 'Bored Little Rosie' coupled with 'The Man I Love' is out now.

Chris is a generous soul and would like to give you this track for free.

Chris Bradley -'Golden Girl.' mp3

  Ex Lion Tamer

As a free Christmas present, (although available throughout the entire year) we'd like to give you 17SEC2 'Life Support Machine' by X-Lion Tamer.

X-Lion Tamer - Life Support Machine. mp3

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